Pitch Shifter Component

The Pitch Shifter Component takes an input signal and shifts the frequency of that signal to a specified distance, either up, down or both, from the input signal. The input signal is the dry output, and the shifted frequencies are the wet signal. You can use this to de-tune an instrument to produce a "thicker" sound similar to a chorus effect. In addition, you can take the input signal up / down a full octave to add a different "voice" to the output. The Pitch Shifter can be used on any kind of audio signal.





Master Bypass

Bypasses all of the component's controls.

no / bypassed

Stereo Spread


Available when the I/O Configuration Property is set to Stereo In/Stereo Out.

Determines the separation spread between the channels. 0% is equal amount of each channel mixed to the other, 100% is complete separation of the channels.

Default = 100

0 - 100

Detection Frequency


This is the mid-point of the range of frequencies you want to be shifted.

Default = 330

Range = 81.4 - 660

Left/Right Detected Pitch


Displays the frequency, or pitch, of the input signal. You can use this to assist in setting the Detection Frequency.

When the I/O Configuration is set to Mono In, only one Detected Pitch field is available.

Default = 1.00 kHz

Range =

Left/Right Pitch Shift

(¢ cent)

Sets the distance you want to shift the output wet signal from the input dry signal. When the input audio signal changes pitch, the output signal follows the changes directly.

1200 cents is an octave.

When the I/O Configuration is set to Mono Out, only one Pitch Shift field is available.

Default = 0

Range = -1300 - +1300

Crossfade Time


In order to raise or lower the pitch of a signal, the Pitch Shifter speeds up the input, or slows it down. This means you end up with a shorter or longer set of samples than the actual input. The Pitch Shifter either duplicates a set of samples and plays it back again, or truncates the set of samples.

The Crossfade Time adjusts the transition time between sets of samples. A shorter time gives you a more abrupt transition, a longer time produces a smoother transition.

Default = 20.0

Range = 0.100 - 100.0

Left/Right Delay


The Delay Time delays the wet signal from the dry signal.

Default = 0

Range = 0.00 - 100

High-Pass Frequency

(Hz / kHz)

Frequencies below this frequency are attenuated. All frequencies above this frequency are amplified based on the setting of the Wet Gain control.

Default = 20.0

Range = 20 - 20,000

Low-Pass Frequency

(Hz / kHz)

Frequencies above this frequency are attenuated. All frequencies below this frequency are amplified based on the setting of the Wet Gain control.

Default = 20,000

Range = 20 - 20,000

Wet Solo

When engaged, allows you to listen to the wet signal by itself.

Normal / Solo

Wet Gain


Controls the gain of the wet output.

Default = 0

Range = -60 - 10

Dry/Wet Mix


The percentage of wet to dry signal sent to the output. 0% is all dry signal, and no wet. 100% is all wet, and no dry.

Default = 100.0

Range = 0 - 100





I/O configuration

Sets the configuration of inputs and outputs for the Chorus component.

Mono In / Mono Out

Mono In / Stereo Out

Stereo In / Stereo Out

Max Delay


Sets the maximum delay allowed for the Delay knob in the component's control panel.

1 to 100

Control Pins

The available Control Pins depend on settings in Properties.

Pin Name




Pins Available

Crossfade Time

0 to .100

0.100ms - 100ms

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Detection Frequency

81.4 to 660

81.4Hz - 660Hz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Dry/Wet Mix

0.00 to 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

High-Pass Frequency

20.0 to 20,000

20Hz - 20kHz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Left Delay

0.000 to 0.100

0.00ms - 100ms

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Left Detected Pitch

41.4 to 1263

41.4Hz - 1.26kHz

0.013 - 0.803


Left Pitch Shift

-1300 to 1300

-1300¢ - 1300¢

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Low-Pass Frequency

20.0 to 20,000

20Hz - 20kHz

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Master Bypass







Input / Output

Right Delay

0.000 to 0.100

0.00ms - 100ms

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Right Detected Pitch

41.4 to 1263

41.4Hz - 1.26kHz

0.013 - 0.803


Right Pitch Shift

-1300 to 1300

-1300¢ - 1300¢

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Stereo Spread

0.00 to 100

0.00 - 1.00

Input / Output

Wet Gain

-60 to 10

-60 dB to 20 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Wet Solo







Input / Output


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